Thank you so much for visiting my website. Explore below for details about my major projects and highlights of my work. You can access full image galleries of my work below or by navigating under the Galleries menu above.
For those not familiar with my work, I am a concept artist and illustrator in the game space with over a decade of experience working with companies & clients such as Electronic Arts, Vigil Games, THQ, Big Huge Games, Project TriForce, Game Salute and the Discworld Emporium. My work has graced the cover of Game Informer magazine and won industry competitions. I was awarded the status of Master Artist on the former computer graphics community site I focus primarily on fantasy artwork with a specialty in environmental & architectural concepts and illustration. You can view my full resume here.
I hope you enjoy exploring!
“It’s been a great pleasure having worked with Jonathan—everything he does is so FUN to look at. From rough brainstorms to full-on illustrations, whether it’s a sheet of weapons or a sweeping world map—every inch of his work is crawling with fun ideas.”
“I think it’s a wonderful game, and one of the most beautiful ones I’ve seen in a long time.”
Project Type: Board Game Illustration
Client: Game Salute
Project Dates: 2013-2015
Seeing the success of the King's Forge Kickstarter campaign was one of the highlights of my freelance career. Hundreds of cards--and a dozen anvils--later, I'm very proud of the finished product.
Project Type: Mobile Game Concept Art & Illustration
Client: Gameloft Montreal
Project Dates: 2014
“I think this particular cover art has to be the best I have seen on your magazine so far.”
Project Type: Video Game Concept Art & Illustration
Client: Vigil Games / THQ, Inc.
Project Dates: 2010-2011
Working with Joe Madureira and the Vigil team on Darksiders II was amazing. The best known piece is the Game Informer July 2011 cover piece done in collaboration with Joe. It was an honor to have my work on the cover of this magazine -- the fourth largest in the US by circulation.
Another fun part of working on Darksiders II was seeing all the fan art. Check out these 3-D environments created based on my concepts from environmental artist Jakob Gavelli. You can see more of his work here.
Project Type: Video Game Concept Art
Client: Big Huge Games / 38 Studios
Project Dates: 2010-2011
Project Type: MMORPG Concept Art
Client: EA Mythic / Games Workshop
Project Dates: 2005-2010
I spent four years working on concepts for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. My most well-known piece from this project is the Gate to Karak Eight Peaks -- a concept for an orc city gate that never actually made it into the game. It was a winner in the prestigious Into the Pixel competition in 2008 and included in a showcase at the Society of Illustrators Museum in Manhattan later the same year.
Check out this Warhammer Online marketing video to see time lapse video of me painting a concept illustration for the Bright Wizard College in Altdorf.
Above: The Unseen God, Personal work completed during Illustration Master Class, 2011