The City, Blunderbuss, Molten Games 2013

The City Sketches, Blunderbuss, Molten Games 2013

The City Sketches, Blunderbuss, Molten Games 2013

The City Sketches, Blunderbuss, Molten Games 2013

Personal work, 2012

Psyker, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Psyker Close-Up, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Space Marine Sketches, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Space Marine Line Drawing, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Space Marine, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Space Marine Close-Up, Warhammer 40K Dark Millennium Online, Vigil Games, 2011

Cube Quest Game Board, GameWright, 2012

Cube Quest Box Art, GameWright, 2012

In the Hall of the Egg Mother, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2010

Island Aerial View, TenSquare Games, 2012

Island - Close View, TenSquare Games, 2012

Island Prefab Houses, TenSquare Games, 2012

Island Animals, TenSquare Games, 2012

Island Ruins, TenSquare Games, 2012

Island Ruins, TenSquare Games, 2012

Vessel of Judgment, Warmachine: Wrath, 2012

Machine of War, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2013

Orc, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2013

Dwarf, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2013

Dwarf Anatomy Sketches, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Cleric, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Mage 1, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2013

Male Dwarf Classes, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Ranger Sketches, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Ranger, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Rouge, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Warrior 1, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Dwarf Warrior 2, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Heavy War Bot Sketches, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

Robot Worker Sketches, Hex: Shards of Fate, Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2012

The Unseen God - Version 2, Personal work completed during Illustration Master Class 2011

The Unseen God - Version 1, Personal work, 2011

Soviet Light Mech, 2009

Destiny, EA Mythic, 2009

Victorian Steam City, EA Mythic, 2009

The Mistwhalers, EA Mythic, 2009